

Saturday, 28 July 2018

'Perhaps it'd be easier if I was dead': Heartbroken Thomas Markle says his daughter has stopped speaking to him and changed all her numbers since marrying Prince Harry... but he insists he WON'T let the Palace silence him

Mail on Sunday spoke to Mr Markle, 74, for almost nine hours over three days
He reveals he believes his daughter, 36, won't let him see any grandchildren
Her father also says he believes she might be better off if he were to die....
BY: yungrix.

When Meghan Markle celebrates her 37th birthday next Saturday, she will doubtless be showered with love and gifts from adoring husband Prince Harry and receive the warmest of greetings from other members of the Royal Family, including the Queen.

But 5,495 miles away in Mexico, her devastated father will spend the day nursing a broken heart.

For Thomas Markle today claims in The Mail on Sunday that Meghan has cruelly excised him from her life – and he fears he may never see any children that she and Harry might have.

Thomas Markle (pictured with a high school Meghan) has given his most incendiary interview yet, saying his daughter might be better off if he were dead ..

Retired award-winning Hollywood lighting director Mr Markle has not spoken to his 'beloved Bean' – his childhood nickname for Meghan – for more than ten weeks and claims the rift is punishment for him staging fake paparazzi pictures before the wedding and then daring to speak out in his own defence.

Thomas Markle, 74, lives 5,495 miles away from his daughter Meghan in Rosarito, Mexico

'I'm really hurt that she's cut me off completely. I used to have a phone number and text number for her personal aides at the Palace, but after I said a few critical words about the Royal Family changing Meghan, they cut me off.

'Those numbers were disconnected, they no longer work. I have no way of contacting my daughter,' he says.

'It's her birthday on August 4 and I want to send her a card. But if I send a birthday card to Kensington Palace, or wherever she's living now, it'll just be one among thousands. She'll probably never see it.

'I thought about sending it by Priority Mail Express, but the Palace would probably just soak it in water for three days to make sure it doesn't explode.'

In his most incendiary interview yet, Mr Markle spoke to The Mail on Sunday for nearly nine hours over the course of three days to say he has been left reeling by Meghan's 'sense of superiority' since this newspaper first exposed him for staging a set of paparazzi pictures just six days before the May 19 wedding at Windsor.

And he claimed:
He fears Meghan will never let him see any future grandchildren;
Meghan might be better off if he were to die: 'Everyone would be filled with sympathy for her';
Frustration at the 'mixed messages' he has received, with Harry and Meghan telling him not to apologise for the staged paparazzi pictures debacle, just hours before a Palace aide called and offered to help him 'make an apology';
Reports that he faked a heart attack and is an alcoholic are false.

Speaking at his modest $695 (£500)-a-month rental home overlooking the Pacific in the sleepy Mexican town of Rosarito – a 30-minute drive from the US border – Mr Markle invited the MoS to share cold, non-alcoholic, drinks on his sunny patio as he spoke candidly of the rift with his daughter that he fears may never heal, before adding ominously: 'I won't be silenced.'

He is soft-spoken but brutally honest. He answers every question thoughtfully, veering between sadness at the 'loss' of his daughter to flashes of anger at the 'confusing' way he has been treated by the Palace.

Aged 74 and 6ft 4in tall, he says his body 'isn't what it used to be' and winces as he rises from his chair, complaining that years of hard graft hanging heavy stage lights for TV shows have left him with bad knees and arthritis.

He also suffers from heart problems and says, astonishingly, that it might be better for his daughter if he died: 'It's lucky I'm still alive.

'The men in my family rarely live over 80 so I'd be surprised if I had another ten years. I could die tomorrow.


Retired award-winning Hollywood lighting director Mr Markle has not spoken to his 'beloved Bean' – his childhood nickname for Meghan (pictured with husband Prince Harry at the polo in Berkshire) – for more than ten weeks

'It wouldn't be so bad. I have something of a Buddhist philosophy about death. Perhaps it would be easier for Meghan if I died.

'Everybody would be filled with sympathy for her. But I hope we reconcile. I'd hate to die without speaking to Meghan again.'

Staging fake paparazzi pictures, including one of him being 'measured' for a wedding suit at a shop in Rosarito that actually sold party supplies, was a 'huge' mistake, he admits.

In an interview with MoS columnist Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain last month, he apologised for the fake pictures but broke protocol by revealing Prince Harry's political views (he is 'open to the experiment of Brexit' and thinks US President Donald Trump should be 'given a chance').

He also spoke of his daughter's longing for a baby. Mr Markle believes his candour led to him being frozen out: 'What's sad is that some time in the next year Meghan and Harry will have a baby and I'll be a grandfather, and if we're not speaking I won't see my grandchild.

'How tragic is that, to deprive a child of its grandfather because I said a few things critical of the Royal Family?

'They're just like a Monty Python sketch. Say a few critical words about the Royal Family and they put their fingers in their ears, cover their eyes and pull the blinds down. They don't want to know about it.

'I'd spoken to Harry and Meghan and offered to make a public apology for the posed photos, but they said it wasn't necessary.

'They said an apology would probably only make things worse by dragging the story out a few more days. Then an aide called me saying: 'You have offended the Royal Family but I can help you make an apology.'

Mr Markle was left confused and baffled by the volte-face: 'I was shocked because I'd offered to apologise and been told it wasn't necessary.

'Then suddenly I'm being told that I needed help apologising, as if there's a special way to apologise to the Royal Family.

'Perhaps you do it with gravy and flowers on the side? I was taken aback to be asked if I needed help apologising, like I was a child. That wasn't going to happen.

'Meghan was apparently upset with me for saying that she and Harry will probably have a baby soon.

'But Meghan's been saying that herself for the past six or seven years, talking about how much she wants a family. Harry's been saying it too. That's fine.

'But the moment I say it, I'm persona non grata.

'I tell you, I've just about reached my limit with Meghan and the Royal Family. They want me to be silent, they want me to just go away. But I won't be silenced.

'I refuse to stay quiet. What riles me is Meghan's sense of superiority. She'd be nothing without me. I made her the Duchess she is today. Everything that Meghan is, I made her.'

Mr Markle worked as an Emmy-award winning lighting director on hit US TV shows such as General Hospital and Married With Children before retiring to Mexico eight years ago.

Meghan was sent to exclusive private schools from kindergarten onwards and her father paid for her $30,000 (£23,000)-a-year tuition at Northwestern University, Illinois, with $750,000 winnings from a lottery.

He funded a teenage Meghan's expensive holidays abroad, including a visit to Britain, where she was photographed outside Buckingham Palace.

A proud man, he says he has never asked his daughter for a penny, despite suffering financial setbacks over the years and losing the vast majority of his lottery winnings in a bad business deal. He now supports himself on his pension and social security payments.

He is angry that Meghan has talked about the support her yoga-loving mother Doria – the only member of the Markle family to attend the Royal wedding – has given her, but gives him no credit for her success.

'Oh, she's a mummy's girl now and Doria gets a lot of the credit,' he says, a trace of bitterness in his voice.

'But Meghan seems to have forgotten that she lived with me up until Doria and I divorced, when she was six, and even then I was still a big part of her life.

'Whenever she finished school, I was the one who picked her up because I didn't have to be at the studios until late and would then work until midnight.

'When Meghan was 11, she moved back in with me up until she was 17 and went to college.

'I was having my good years then, making good money, and could afford to give her the best, with a good school, good education, good home.

'She became the woman that she is today thanks to everything I did for her.

'And did I get any recognition for it? Any thanks? She doesn't even speak to me now. How cold is that?'

He says he has been deeply wounded by reports he faked a heart attack to pull out of the wedding because of embarrassment over the fake pictures.

The Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center in San Diego, California, where Mr Markle claimed he had surgery to unblock an artery days before the wedding, said no patient with his name had ever been admitted.

But he says angrily: 'It's disgusting they said I didn't have a heart attack. Hospitals are bound by confidentiality laws and when you check in you can say you don't want your name on their records if anyone calls in to ask.

'I lost 40 lb after my heart attack, so I suppose that's good, though it's a hell of a way to lose weight.' He recently quit smoking after 50 years.

He has been accused of being an alcoholic but says: 'I hardly drink at all, just a little wine with my dinner, nothing much. I don't do drugs, haven't for more than 20 years.

'I've been seen carrying a six-pack of beer and they say I've a drinking problem. I regularly buy a six-pack for the guys on the guard gate [at his gated community] because they're stuck in a hot shack for hours each day and could use a cold one. I don't drink beer at all.'

Mr Markle staged the paparazzi pictures in an attempt to change his image after being photographed with beer and fast food; a plot that backfired spectacularly when the MoS exposed the snaps as fake six days before the wedding.

In the posed pictures, he was shown using an exercise bike, a rusty contraption sitting forlornly in the garden where he conducts this interview.

He was also shown exercising with weights and reading about Harry and Meghan in an internet cafe. But CCTV images obtained by the MoS revealed British paparazzi photographer Jeff Rayner accompanying him into the cafe to set up the shots.

Despite Mr Markle's earlier harsh words, it is still clear he adores his daughter.

Regardless of his misgivings, he plans to send her a birthday card tomorrow: 'Just wishing her birthday greetings, nothing more.'

His eyes fill with pride when he speaks about her.

His longing for a reconciliation is heartfelt: 'Meghan is everything to me. I love her and I always will.'

Friday, 11 November 2016

Simpsons Prediction..... for trump 16 years ago

It was the most insane and laughable scenario the creators of satirical comedy The Simpsons could dream up.

Who was the one public figure all Americans would agree could never become their Commander-in-Chief?

The answer was inspired: brash billionaire and reality TV star Donald J Trump . Hilarious!

That was 16 years ago, when they wrote an episode called Bart to the Future, with grown-up Lisa Simpson elected to the Oval Office after President Trump has tanked the economy.

But when they – and the world – woke up yesterday they found the joke had backfired monumentally. Their impossible prophecy had been fulfilled and the cartoon villain really had become the leader of the free world.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Revenue hits $200 million

According to SensorTower, Pokémon Go quickly outpaced the two previous titles considered to have the best opening months on mobile: Supercell'sClash Royale and King's Candy Crush Soda Saga.
Both titles generated buzz through the popularity of its predecessors: Clash of Clansand Candy Crush Saga, respectively. During its first month, Clash Royale generated nearly $125 million in revenue, finds SensorTower. Meanwhile, Pokémon Go netted seven times more revenue than Candy Crush Soda Saga, which opened with roughly $25 million.
"This is not only a testament to Pokémon Go’s unparalleled popularity, but, when also viewed against Clash Royale’s first month, also speaks to how the measure of a hit game’s launch (at least from a revenue perspective) has changed in just two short years," said SensorTower's Randy Nelson.
Pokémon Go is an augmented reality game where players capture "pocket monsters" called Pokémon using a GPS map on their smartphone and a camera. According to Apple, the game generated more downloads in its first week than any other app.

Saturday, 18 June 2016

American Man Kills Himself in Taiwan Courtroom After Drug Sentence..

American Man Kills Himself in Taiwan Courtroom After Drug Sentence

An American man fatally stabbed himself in the neck in a Taiwan courtroom Thursday during his sentencing for drug possession charges.

Tyrel Martin Marhanka, a 41-year-old longtime resident of Taiwan, is believed to have dismantled a pair of scissors and hidden them in a magazine to bypass the courtroom metal detectors, reports the Taipei Times.

The incident happened moments after the judge sentenced Marhanka to four years in prison for the possession of poppy seeds and other narcotics and growing marijuana, which he said were for his own personal use.

Witnesses reportedly said they heard Marhanka yell, “I don’t want to live anymore,” before drawing out two sharp metal objects and slashing his neck.

He was rushed to a local hospital, but doctors were unable to revive him.

The court, in Chengu County near the western city of Taichung, issued a statement that read: “We deeply regret that Tyrel Martin Marhanka killed himself during the sentencing,” according to Agence France-Presse. “He was cooperative during the investigation and the trial. His attitude was mild and he did not show any signs that he would [kill himself].”

Court officials said they planned to step up security measures and introduce an X-ray machine to scan people before enter the courtroom

Friday, 27 May 2016

Mass rape' video on social media shocks Brazil

Brazilian police are hunting more than 30 men suspected of raping a teenage girl in Rio de Janeiro, and of putting video of the attack on social media.
The girl, 16, believes she was doped after going to her boyfriend's house on Saturday and says she woke up in a different house, surrounded by the men.
Arrest warrants have been issued, including one for the boyfriend.

The assault has provoked an online campaign against what campaigners call a culture of rape in Brazil.
Conflicting versions of the story are still coming in, but the alleged rape is said to have taken place in a poor community in western Rio over the weekend.
According to a statement she is reported to have given to police, she woke up on Sunday, naked and wounded, and made her way home.
Only days later did she find out that some of the alleged rapists had put images of the attack on Twitter.
One of Rio's favelas

A 40-second-video was widely shared and followed by a wave of misogynistic comments, before the users' accounts were suspended.
Speaking to local media, the girl's grandmother said the family watched the video and cried.
Activists and supporters chant during a march for women's rights on International Women's 

Activists and supporters chant during a march for women's rights on International Women's Day on 8 March 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Protesters in Rio, demanding reforms including better protection from male violence on International Women's Day in March
"I regretted watching it. When we heard the story we didn't believe what was happening. It's a great affliction. It's a depressing situation," she told Folha de S.Paulo newspaper.
"She is not well. She is very confused. This was very serious."
The attack has shocked Brazil, says the BBC's Julia Carneiro, and campaign groups have been already been calling for protests over the coming days.
There has also been an outpouring of anger on social media, under the hashtag #EstuproNuncaMais (Rape never again).

This tweet reads: "I don't want to live scared of being the next victim anymore, I don't want it"
A collective of journalists posted a satirical image of citizens donning devil's horns, condemning a rape victim for having provoked the attack.
The inscription reads "No to sexism", and the images, clockwise from top right: "But look at her clothes…", "She deserved it!", "16 years old and already has a son…", "Apparently she was on drugs".
Tweet saying “No to sexism” – clockwise: “But look at her clothes…”, “She deserved it!”, “16 y/o and already has a son…”, “Apparently she was on drugs”.Image copyright TWITTER
The United Nations group UN Women issued a statement calling for authorities to investigate the case, but to respect the victim and not victimize her once more by invading her privacy.
Experts say many cases of rape in Brazil go unreported as victims fear retaliation, shame, and blame for the violence they have suffered.
Tweet saying “No to sexism” – clockwise: “But look at her clothes…”, “She deserved it!”, “16 y/o and already has a son…”, “Apparently she was on drugs”.
Rape in Brazil
47,636 rapes were reported to the police in 2014
It is estimated only 35% of rape cases are reported
Rape of an adult is punishable by a prison sentence of between 6-10 years
Sentence for rape of a minor is 8-12 years in prison
Source: Brazilian Forum for Public Security
Media under fire: By Fran Hunter, BBC Monitoring
Brazilian media has come under sharp criticism for their slow reaction to the incident, which was picked up only after news of the video had circulated on social networks.
Beyond that, the shocking incident has sparked an online debate on the "normalization" of rape in Brazil, and a tendency to blame victims for their suffering, with the hashtag #EstuproNaoECulpaDaVitima (Rape is Not the Victim's Fault) trending prominently.
The debate largely stems from initial comments on the video, which included "she was drunk" and "she was wearing a short skirt".
The media have also been accused of victim-blaming. One of the first articles on the story by media giant O Globo gave prominence to the girl's background and the fact that she was known to be a drug-user.
Brazilian-Mexican actress Giselle Itie was one of thousands to speak out about victim-blaming: "The blame is on the media, who sexualize women in all their products," she said.
"The blame is on the newspaper that makes light of the many rapes that happen…Drunk, drugged, wearing a short skirt, naked, it doesn't matter. It is never the victim's fault."

Monday, 29 February 2016

Did you know: You can use Facebook to track your friends' sleep

A software developer in Denmark has created a way to track the sleep patterns of his Facebook friends using only the activity data available on the social network. The tool, developed by Søren Louv-Jansen, is based on the activity timestamps that Facebook stores on users of its site and Messenger app. Because many people check Facebook in the morning and before they go to bed at night, Louv-Jansen was able to piece together information on their sleeping habits (though it only works for frequent users).

Louv-Jansen has published the source code for his tool on GitHub, and explained how it works it in a Medium post last week. Using the software to check Facebook's database on user activity every ten minutes, he created graphics depicting his friends' sleep patterns, and discovered some broad trends, as well. His friends' sleep was largely regular throughout the work week, for example, and more erratic on the weekend.

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