

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Beware Selfies can kill you

Heights Didn't Scare These Three, But It Sure Killed 'Em!

Selfies. They’re a part of modern living. Everywhere you go, people are taking photos of themselves using modern smart phone technology, and there’s no end in sight to this phenomena which has taken the world by storm. Since the days of MySpace, taking a photo of yourself has become the new norm, and uploading it to social media is always a good reminder to your friends and family that you exist.

Sometimes selfies are a little bland, and people have gone to exciting heights – sometimes literally - to prove that their selfie is among the best on the Internet. Hey, it’s all about those likes, right? On the other hand, taking a selfie can be really dangerous. Some people do some absolutely stupid things in order to get attention from their peers, right? Combine that with a very extreme situation, and you could have a fatality on your hands.

Selfies were the number four cause of accidental death in 2015. Now there were 49 deaths attributed to random selfie death in 2014, so in 2015 the world saw a drop by about half a margin, with only 28 selfie deaths in that year.

Anyway, where are people who take selfies dying, and who are the people most at risk? Indians certainly have a higher percentage of deaths than anywhere else, and deaths related to falls have the highest risk of killing people. Individuals who go to the highest points on skyscrapers, proving that they are absolutely unafraid by taking a selfie, happen to be the most unfortunate of the bunch. Of course falling and cracking your head on a toilet also happens to be a way to go.

These 15 selfie deaths will truly shock you!

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